Saturday, July 14, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 9"

"Caselta, meet Salina Richard," Matthew introduced me to our wedding planner. "Even though she's knew in the wedding planning business, she does a fantastic job. We are her first clients."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Rodriquez," Sabrina kindly said. "Or is do you prefer, Ms. Rodriquez?"

"Either is perfectly fine." I said. "Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Richard...?"

"Call me Salina," the wedding planner said with a genuine smile.

I think I'm going to like this woman. She seems very kind and has that friendly atmosphere around her.

"Okay," Salina said once we all sat down in the living 
room. "What do you two have in mind for your wedding?"

I was stumped. I always wanted to get married. But, I never thought of how it would look like - I didn't even know what my wedding dress would look like. White...?

"Well, I never really thought of how my wedding would look like," I admitted.

"Well, let's start with the basics," Salina suggested. "Do you want it to be large affair or just with a couple of relatives and maybe your closest friends?"

"I don't want it huge, but I don't want it to be very small. 
I just want it perfect size for us," I said as Matthew squeezed my hand.

"I agree with my fiancĂ©e," Matthew chimed in. "I want it to feel like us, not like those other celebrity weddings or everyone else's weddings. Something that we will remember when we grow old together."

"Alright, so how about the music? The bride's dress? The groom's suit? The bridesmaids? The setting?"

"Well, I do want Latin music, since I always wanted to be surrounded by the familiar songs of my ethnicity... If that would be okay with you, Matthew."

"Oh, it would be fine," Matthew grinned at me. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable, love."

"And I'd like to say something about the flowers," Matthew said. 
"I want to have semi roses with the greenest of leaves." 

"Ah, those flowers are beautiful," Salina commented.

"It reminds me of Caselta." Matthew held her hand. Caselta was shedding
a tear at Matthew's kind words.

"So, it's settled then?" Salina asked. "All you want is for me to surprise you both with the 
attire, cake, setting, and food? And all I need to have is have Latin music and semi roses, is that correct?"

"Yes," Matthew and I both said at the same time.

"I appreciate what you are doing for us, Salina," I thanked her as she was about to leave. 

"No problem, Caselta," Salina said. "I think I should be the one who's grateful. When the city finds out I planned the hottest couple in Bridgeport's wedding, they'll all want me to plan their weddings."

"Hope you find yourself a good man, friend," Matthew said as he hugged her. "You deserve one."

"Thanks, Matthew," Salina said. "But, right now, I want to make other people's happy endings come true."

Salina said her goodbyes and left for her home, she said she would contact us in a 
month on how she was doing on our wedding plans.

"Caselta, I don't care if we do or don't have the perfect wedding. As long as I have you, that is all I need. No wedding arch, cake, or your wedding dress will ever compare of you becoming Mrs. Hamming."

"Aw," I said as he pulled me close. "That is so sweet. I also cannot wait for me  changing my name from Miss Rodriquez to Mrs. Hamming soon."

Matthew soon had to leave for work, leaving Caselta in her
thoughts about how the wedding might look like,
and how the night shall go.

Sitting on the couch, Caselta thought about how she wished
her family in Simexico could witness the day she would marry
the love of her life.

"So, what do you think?" Salina asked, waiting patiently on how we would react to 
our surprise wedding setting.

"Oh, Salina!" I clapped my hands. "This is so beautiful! I imagined how my wedding
would look like after you left, but mine doesn't look half like this!"

"That means a lot to me, Caselta," Salina hugged me. "I am really happy that you love it. 
I was a bit confused on the perfect Spanish song to play at your wedding, 
but with a bit help from friends, I found the perfect track."

*additional picture*
. . . b u b b l e s . . .

While Matthew, Salina, and I checked out the setting a
bit more, the mixologist arrived and began having a conversation
on his cellphone. It turns out it was Rocky Tanker who would be
our bartender for tonight.

Once the we were done checking out our wedding scene,
Salina urged Matthew to change into the suit that was in the man's
restroom while she led me to the woman's restroom.

Matthew changed into his suit, which he liked very much, and began
getting all nice and clean for our wedding.

Meanwhile, Salina and I changed into our dresses.
I fell in love with my dress, and I also adored Salina's
dress. She was my only bridesmaid.

After changing, Salina did my make-up and hair. I then did hers.
We both looked lovely.

Matthew was already waiting at the alter as Salina told me to stay in the restroom until it was 10:00, celebrity guests usually arrived an hour late from the destined time; right now it was around five o'clock.
Great, I had to wait five more hours in this bathroom... I guess I'll fix my hair a bit.

Salina prepared the food, and made sure the music was playing.
"I like the suit, Matthew!" Salina complimented him as she made her way to her seat.

Matthew smiled at her, "Thanks! You picked it out for me."

An unexpected guest arrived, but Salina told him that this was
an exclusive wedding party and he had to leave.

After that small encounter, the wedding cake arrived 
and looked amazing. Just like the rest of the

Richie Striker, now one of Matthew's best friend and one of my very good
friends, arrived first at nine o'clock, sharp.

I came out at nine thirty, just like Salina asked me, too.
People began arriving just as I got out of the restroom.

Matthew began holding my hands when he saw me.
"You look beautiful, Caselta Rodriquez," Matthew whispered.

"You mean, Caselta Hamming," I whispered.

"Soon-to-be Caselta Hamming."

Everybody began gathering around us as Sabrina gave us
our rings to exchange.

Tiara Angelista began crying while Morgann Hemlock had
a little accident. Even though people were laughing and staring, she didn't
care and shed a few tears as Matthew and I were about to wed. Salina cried, too. 
Matilda Smart, joined the crowd while Caroline Custard, Tiara Angelista, and Rocky watched from
the tables.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony of 
Matthew Hamming and Caselta Rodriquez. Please face each other and join hands.
Matthew Hamming, do you have anything you would like to say to Caselta Rodriquez before we begin?"

"Yes," Matthew said as he began to recite his vows. "I, Matthew Hamming, take you, Caselta Hamming, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be all yours when you need me; in sickness and in health, in sadness and happiness, in failure and in victory. As God as my witness, I promise to be there for you for every wakening moment for the rest of our lives. Even though we have been together for quite some time, I keep falling in love with you a little more every day."

The minister nodded his head as a smile crept upon his face, "Wonderful, Mr. Hamming. Now, Miss Caselta Rodriquez, do you have something you would like to say to Matthew Hamming before we begin?"

"Matthew Hamming, I, Caselta Rodriquez, take you to be the father of my children and my husband. You are my one true love, I will stay faithful to you and only you. I love you more as each day passes, you show me why I fell in love with you. It wasn't your brilliant smile, your warm eyes, and your charismatic nature but you're sweet and charming personality that made my heart stop whenever you made me laugh. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love from this day forwards as long as we both shall live."

"Beautiful, Miss Rodriquez," the minister said as he looked at the crowd. "Caselta Rodriquez, do you take this man, Matthew Hamming, to be your lawfully wedded husband, and do you promise to love, honor, and respect him, and comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him for so long as you both shall live?"

My mouth began to open, yet I was worried her voice would crack or worse - no sound would come out. "I do."

"Matthew Hamming, do you take this woman, Caselta Rodriquez, to be your lawfully wedded wife, and do you promise to love, honor, and respect her, and comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Matthew said, with confidence, though his eyes told a different story.

"You are symbolic of your commitments to each other and your endless love for each other. Caselta Rodriquez, please place your ring on Matthew Hamming's third finger on his left hand and repeat these words after me:"

I did as I was told, "I, Caselta Rodriquez, give to you, Matthew Hamming, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you with all that I am always."

"Matthew Hamming, please place your ring on Caselta Rodriquez's third finger on her left hand and repeat these words after me:"

"I, Matthew Hamming, give to you, Caselta Rodriquez, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you with all that I am always."

"I now, with divine blessings and the power vested in by the city of Bridgeport, joyfully pronounce you, Husband and Wife."
As we said our vows, Marina Prattle didn't look
that happy about the wedding.

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Soon it was time to cut our wedding cake, which looked perfect. 

*additional photo*
(Creator's Note: I just love this photo!)

After slicing the cake, everyone got a slice and 
enjoyed the strawberry vanilla-frosted cake.

And so did we...
The Hammings.

It was around five in the morning, and that's when mostly everyone was beginning to leave.

"Thank you so much for the wedding, Salina," I thanked her before she left. "It couldn't have been better."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hamming." Salina said jokingly. 
"Congratulations on your new life with Matthew. Hope you two live happily ever after."

"Thank you," Matthew said.

Matthew and I had our First Dance as a married couple,
and we were having so much fun, just the two of us.

Once we finished our dance, we gathered below the arch, 
and had our second kiss as a married couple.

(Creator's Note: Guess, Matilda stayed a bit longer...)

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