Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 6"

Waking up that morning felt amazing. I felt like I had 
found the one man  that was actually mine, who actually loved me.

Since we became intimate, Matthew told me I was always 
welcomed at his home, no matter the time of day. 
After several weeks of dating, Matthew invited me to live with him in his 
penthouse with my dog, Zeus.

Even though we weren't married or even engaged, we acted like we were.
We would travel through out the country. I got to see other places of Sim 
Nation than just Bridgeport.

Matthew was now my transportation everywhere, or it was our limo driver. 
Which meant no more riding the subways or taking cabs anymore!

Even if we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, Matthew treated me like his
wife and always gave me flowers or a kiss whenever we were together.

Life at the Hamming penthouse was great. Even Zeus enjoyed Matthew's
company. Which is hard for a former-stray to do... Yet, he was adorable.

Whenever Matthew had to travel outside of Bridgeport to film his upcoming
movies, he would always want me to tag-along, and Zeus would always
come along with us for the ride.

Since I was becoming more popular and more well-known in the
city, I was getting discounts everywhere I went.

Sometimes, Matthew and I would go to the gym with Zeus. I had to go
because of my agent wanting me to become more athletic, to look
good for the cameras, yet I just did it to please my agent.

Matthew came along to support me, while Zeus loved chewing on the couches.

We would encounter people who disliked us (left) and huge fans (right).

Since Matthew and I were being known as "Catthew" in Bridgeport, the opposite sex 
would always be attracted to us.

Like, males were not wearing shirts when I was around, and females 
would always be around Matthew, yet we didn't care for them.

We would always ignore them by kissing in front of them, this was suppose
to say to them: "Go away, he's/she's mine."

Kai Leiko took some pictures of me on his phone while somebody else
took a picture of Matthew.

"Well, this is embarrassing," I muttered as I slipped on the treadmill.

When I got back up, I saw that Matthew slipped on his treadmill, too.
Or did he?

"Shh... If one of us get's embarrassed in public, then the both of us will
get embarrassed in public." Matthew whispered as he got back up.

"I love you," I told him as he said the same to me.

We continued on our work out while others stood and watched us.
Some took pictures, others talked.

When I was done with my workout,  I could see that Matthew was going to 
slip on his treadmill and a Becca Bijou (paparazzi) was in the room. I decided to 
distract her from Matthew, so I began making small talk with her while she wrote
down my words. Her eyes were completely on her paper.

The woman took pictures of me, a bit too much, even though I
was just standing there.

When I thought the woman was going to leave, the sideways glance she 
gave me made me realize that these people don't quit easy.

She turned around and took more pictures of me just standing.

Matthew finished his workout and came up to me while the woman
kept taking photos of us.
"Why don't we give her something to put in her magazine?" Matthew 
whispered as he came closer to me.

"These flowers are for you, my love," Matthew said, loudly.
"Oh, Matthew! You shouldn't have!" I said, just as loudly.

Matthew and I began making-out in front of the paparazzi woman,
she was writing down notes.
And taking a picture on her cellphone.

We didn't care if she was standing there anymore,
Matthew and I just embraced, and forgot about everyone else in the room.

While we were in our Love Moment, Peter Dye and Bianca Rubble
were gossiping about who knows what.

Once Becca left, Matthew took me to the Aquarius, the hot spot 
for the night.

"Wow, it's Matthew Hamming! We can't believe you came in here. No,
you don't have to pay. This one is on us. Please!"

"No way! Caselta Rodriquez?! Welcome, welcome! No no, you won't be paying 
full price today. Normally it costs $15, but you'll only have to pay $10."
We were blowing bubbles once we came in.

While I kept blowing bubbles (tehe), Matthew began ordering
our drinks.

I soon recognized a familiar face. Richie Striker! He was one of my Daycare Kid's parents! 
I made small talk with him while Matthew looked sideways at us.

On women it looks horrible. 
But, on men it looks adorable."
-Caselta Rodriquez

We soon got our drinks, and began drinking.

Matthew went on the dance floor while I followed after him with
my drink in my hands.

We danced and soon were making out by the time Tiara Angelista
came into the room, dancing.

That's when Matthew got on one knee, and I was wondering what he was doing.
I had an idea, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"Caselta Rodriquez, I have loved you ever since I met you, even if I didn't show it."
Matthew opened the box to reveal a shiny diamond ring.

"I always thought I wasn't going to get married, but when you and I watch the stars the night we first met. I knew that I didn't want this relationship to be labeled like the others as 'Cute Couple, but will it Last? Probably not'. I don't care if you can't offer me anything that you own, because having you is worth more than this diamond ring. I hope we can start a family, and I will father every child that you wish to have.
This ring symbolizes my commitment to you. As long as you wear it on your finger, I will be faithful to you and I hope you do the same to me. Caselta Rodriquez, will you marry me?"

I was on the verge of tears. "Matthew Hamming, you are the love of my life, and I want to spend every wakening moment with you. Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you!"

We began dancing, our first dance together as an engaged couple.

Tiara Angelista clapped at the news of our engagement.

She began dancing along with us.

It soon became time for everyone to go home. I thanked Tiara for her
congratulations, and met my fiance downstairs in his car.

Once Matthew and I got home, I began relaxing in our hot tub and he was taking a shower.
He then joined me and one thing led to another.

Just when we finished, I realized that I had to work today.
Oops... My bad.

Matthew was a huge help, he fed a hungry Belisama while I took care of Tamara.

He then found where Richie had left Sebastian, and set him down
in the living room to join the rest of us.

While I took the time to teach Tamara how to talk, Matthew took
care of the other toddlers.

It looks like Belisama was enjoying her additional care-taker.

With Matthew's help, I had time to teach Tamara how to walk.

. . . just additional pictures . . .

I kissed Matthew goodbye as he headed to his bachelor party.

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