Thursday, June 21, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 3"

Tomorrow soon came, and I decided to teach the toddlers new lessons rather than watching them play with the toys that they clearly loved playing with. 

First, I decided to potty train Sebastian. I didn't like changing other people's children's diapers... 

I felt quite embarrassed every time I saw my cousin. He used to change me all the time, mostly because I would only soil my diapers around him... Strange, huh?

But, Sebastian didn't like using the potty so I fed him and later he wanted to go Number 2.

After potty training him for the second time, I decided to teach him how to talk while Belisama played with a horse toy.

Yet that lesson got interrupted by Belisama's cries for entertainment. I immediately tossed her in the air, she was all giggles by then.
Today it felt like Belisama didn't want to do any lessons, but after feeding her and playing with her for a bit, I managed to make her want to use the bathroom.

Belisama wasn't like Sebastian. She was more calmer than yesterday. She knew how to talk and walk yet not use the toilet by herself yet. Sebastian didn't know how to talk nor use the bathroom either.

Once I taught Belisama a second time on how to use the bathroom, she accidentally missed the potty and spill some of her body fluids on my bathroom floor.

I ignored it and just put Belisama in the living room with Sebastian while I took 
care of my own needs; I was getting thirsty.

After using the restroom, I fed both my little toddlers while I waited for the next 45 minutes to go by. 

At 6:32, my cell phone rang.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Miss Rodriquez," my boss began. "Looks like Belisama Hemlock's mother will be late to pick her up. You'll need to take care of this child until the parent shows up!"
"Okay, I'll take care of her, you can count on me."
Just after finishing my phone conversation, Richie Striker came to pick up Sebastian.
"Sebastian had a great time with you today! Thank you so much for looking after my kid."

I decided to teach Belisama how to potty train before her mother came to pick her up. This time, Belisama's mother came right in the middle of our lesson.

She stood outside the bathroom door, "Belisama was a happy kid when I picked her up. You are amazing! What's your secret?"

I then finished potty training Belisama. It was a bit messy, but I finally potty trained the little Hemlock. I'll always remember the day I got to dispose of her diapers forever!

After handing back Belisama to her mother, Morrigan smiled. "You are rad! Thanks for taking care of my kid while I ran some errands. Here's $33 to make up for the extra time."

"No problem, Mrs.Hemlock, it was only an hour and twenty-nine minutes. Thanks for the tip," I thanked her while waving goodbye to the Hemlocks.

After they left, I got another call from my boss.
"Congratulations! Miss Rodriquez, you have been conferred the new title of Cool Care-Giver by the Bridgeport Town Council in recognition of your valuable contributions to the workforce."

"Oh my God, thank you! Thank you!"

"Now, Caselta, caring for kids takes a bit of finesse. You'll need to be more alert and on top of your care taking now that word is getting around. Another family wants you to take care of their toddler. That means you now have to take care of a total of three kids!"

"Alright, thank you for telling me."

"You now make $200 per week."

Once the conversation was over, I hung up and began cleaning up my house, even though my bed was calling me name.

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