Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 5"

Waking up on my first day off, I glanced at my alarm clock. It was only 8 o'clock. Funny, I woke up this early on my day-off.

I glanced out the kitchen window, it seemed that today was going to be a bit foggy.

After doing my morning routine, I brushed my teeth twice for extra-minty breath, and fixed my hair a bit and made sure my skin was clear of any embarrassing blemishes.

I grabbed the local Bridgeport paper and tried looking for tonight's hot spot. Turns out, Eugi's was the perfect place to meet new people or have a great group gathering. It also says you need to wear formal attire to get in. Throwing the paper on the sofa, I immediately unpacked the colorful dress my grandmother had given  me to remember her by when I came over here from Simexico.

As I locked my front door, I noticed some papers sticking out of my mailbox. I looked into it and found out the mailman had given me my electricity bill. Turns out, I only had three more days left to pay them.

I called a cab and gave her my money to drop me off at Eugi's. But the lady dropped me off at the nearest subway.
"Why are you stopping me here? I told you to drop me off at Eugi's," I told her in a very heavy Spanish accent and in broken-English.

"Sorry, ma'am, but this is how far I can drive you. You only paid me a bit amount."

"Well, okay," I said getting out. "In Simexico, that could take you at least forty miles," I muttered under my breath in my native tongue.

After riding in the subways, I ran to Eugi's which was just around the corner.
I could see five-star celebrity, Matthew Hamming, arriving at Eugi's.
I quickly went into a store's dressing room and changed into my dress. Then, I walked to Eugi's and headed inside.

We were all crammed into the elevator, and I could see Matthew Hamming
staring at me from the corner of my eyes. My heart began racing at in irregular pace.

I took out my cellphone which I had bought in Simexico and took a picture of Matthew Hamming.

As he walked past me, I felt my heart ache to be near him. He was pretty famous in Simexico. But, it was pointless of daydreaming of having him, he would rather be with a five-star celebrity woman just like him.

I sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to take my order.
Then somebody with a horse body came into the building (stupid unwanted CC).

Matthew came by after I got my spaghetti from the bartender. I could see he was checking out another woman. My heart was aching while my mind told me to calm down, that I had no right to be jealous since we weren't together - heck, we didn't even know each other.

Thanking the bartender for the meal, I walked towards the lady's restroom. I locked myself in the only bathroom stall in the restroom and tried to compose myself in there.

I shouldn't care if Matthew Hamming didn't notice me, we never even met nor spoke to each other.

Once I got myself together, I looked into the mirror. I wanted to 
be sure I didn't have any food stuck in my teeth. Just in case somebody attractive
talked to me.

When I got out of the bathroom, Matthew was playing with the arcade game near
the women's restroom.
I couldn't resist the urge to ask him for an autograph. I (embarrassingly) squealed when he
actually gave me one!

This is when I saw a guitar on the stage, and realized this place wasn't playing any
music. My body was now in control. It made my legs walk up towards the stage and began
playing the guitar. I could feel a couple of eyes on me.

A crowd began coming towards me, enjoying my music.

And from the stage, I could see Matthew admiring my music,
and he was dancing to it, too.

I could see his eyes gleaming with admiration. This made me
continue playing, and I felt my heart bursting out of my chest when I saw
him smiling at me.

More people gathered around, and they began dancing along to my music.

Paparazzi came and took some shots of me, and some others of Matthew and
another celebrity woman.

I could see Matthew enjoying himself. A woman named Lady Cook, took out her cellphone
and Matthew posed for her while a paparazzi man enjoyed my song.

"Happy Hour has begun, ladies and gents! Get your drinks half-price!" The 
bartender announced as I  continued to play.

I stopped playing the guitar and walked towards Matthew Hamming, my body
was still in control of me.

"Uhm, Matthew. Matthew Hamming? I'm Caselta Rodriquez," I began nervously, not realizing I was speaking in Spanish. "Can I buy you a drink?"

To my amazement, Matthew spoke to me - in Spanish! 

"Hey," Matthew he said fluently. "Thanks."

I order the drinks just in time before the bartender announced that Happy Hour
was over.
"A toast to Caselta," Matthew said, still in Spanish.
We clinked our glasses and drank the drinks.
I was soon "In the Mood" from the drink.

After finishing our glasses, Matthew and I talked, and we hit it off.
Matthew then told me that the word around town was that
I was getting a lot of positive looks from my recent activities.
People seemed to be whispering my name. He told me I was now a Notable Figure.

As Matthew and I talked, I could see a woman dancing behind him
on the table. When I told Matthew, he said that was
Sugar Bijou, she lived with the teenage rap star
in the hills. He said she usually
dances only if she had been drinking a bit too much.

As we continued to talked, I found out that Matthew's zodiac sign was Cancer. We both realized that Libra and Cancer were compatible signs!

"Caselta," Matthew whispered in my ear. "I got to show you something."

Matthew led me down the elevators, outside the building, and to the side of Eugi's.
"Okay, Matt, what did you have to show me?" I asked as he, to my surprise, 
grabbed my hands and looked adoringly into my brown eyes.
"I want you to see the stars, they are as lovely as you."

He sat down on the concrete and I sat next to him.
I stared at him as he tried finding some stars as they were 
being blocked from the bright lights of the city.

Matthew placed his hand on the floor, and I put mine on his.
He looked me in the eyes, and I shot him a flirty smile.
We scooted closer together, and we watched the stars.

Spending our time looking at the night sky made us both
happy. Ah... Romance under the stars.

Even though we barely could see any stars through the city's many
bright lights, Matthew said he was thinking
of naming the brightest star after me.

"It's getting late, Matthew," I said as I stood up. "I have to get home. I need some sleep.
It's about 3 AM."
"Wait," Matthew gently grabbed my arm. "When will I see you again?"

"Wait, I got it. You can come over my home tomorrow morning." Matthew suggested.
I agreed and we both exchanged numbers and he gave me his
We hugged goodbye. After our embrace he called a cab for me
and waited until it arrived.

He soon called another cab and drove home.

In the cab I could still feel Matthew's touch and I smiled through 
the darkness, wishing that that moment would never
end... But, it was too late.

When I arrived home, I found a stray dog waiting for me.
I fell in love with him, and wanted to pet him. But he ran from me
and when I caught up to him, the sun was already out.
The stray began trusting me a bit and that's when I decided that I wanted
to keep him.
I went online to the adoption center, and legally adopted him.

After getting home, I began sleeping while Zeus stayed outside 
and explored his new settings.

But I only got several hours of sleep, Zeus was howling and scratching 
on the back sliding doors to be let in.

Since I was already awake, I decided to make some apple pancakes.
I was starving!

When I was done taking my bath, Zeus rolled on his back and I
knew he wanted a belly rub.

I arrived at Matthew's home, and he was standing inside the gates.
"Caselta!" Matthew embraced me. "I thought you weren't coming."
"Of course I would come, why wouldn't I?"

Matthew invited me in, he was just making some apple pancakes before
I arrived. I didn't want to tell him I just ate, so I sat down at the dining
table and waited for the food to be done. 

My phone began ringing. I answered it and was surprised to know
I had an agent. "Caselta, this is your agent. So, we both know you're gorgeous...
I mean, why else would you be so popular? But listen, to keep up that image, you
gotta hit the gym. Go work out for a bit!"
"Okay?" I said before my agent hung up.

He got me a plate and we both ate the meal. 
Matthew Hamming was a great cook, by the way.

"Thank you for making breakfast," I said. "But, you didn't have to cook. We could have 
just spent the day at the movie theaters, or at a restaurant."

"Eh, it's not a big deal," he said. "Besides, I wanted to see the lovely smile on your face 
when I surprised you with this meal."

After eating breakfast, Matthew washed our plates while I went
to the restroom.

When I came back, he was smiling and holding something behind his back.

"Matthew what do you have behind your hands?" I asked suspiciously.

Matthew stuck out his left hand. "I don't have anything."

"What about you're other hand?"

"Oh," Matthew then showed me the lovely yellow flowers. "Just these flowers that it's
beauty compare nothing to yours."

"Oh, Matthew!" I said as I sniffed the flowers. "These are lovely!"

"Do you really like them?" Matthew asked, looking like an adorable child.

"Of course I do!"

I pulled him closer to me, and before I could stop it, he leaned in and
kissed me.

That's when we both realized that the paparazzi captured the steamy moment!

At that point, that's when I got a wish to "WooHoo with Matthew Hamming".

"Caselta, your endeavors have started to reach ears around town. Seems like
your building a good reputation for yourself, but you still have a long way to go.
Therefore, you are now known as a B-List Celebrity." Matthew informed me.

"Matthew. Hey it's me, Marina Prattle. Can you come out?" the call box said.
"I better go see her, she's my good friend," Matthew said as he excused himself.

"Hey, Marina! How are you? I need a bit of advice."

"Matt, you can tell me anything. What is it?" Marina asked.

"Well, you see there's this woman in town that I really love, but 
I just can't seem to ask her to go steady with me. What should I do?"

Marina smiled at him, "Just ask her, Matthew. I bet she'll say yes."

"Really?" Matthew asked. "You think she would? She's new in town, yet brown
eyes tell me that she has always been here."

"Wait... I don't have brown eyes," Marina said.

"What?" Matthew asked.

"Um, I mean who is this 'new' woman?" Marina asked.

"Since your my good friend, I can tell you, she's inside my house right 
now. She's Caselta Rodriquez. I just kissed her."

Marina plastered a smile on her face, "Wow... That's great! Just don't forget to invite me to your 
wedding. I would love to be her bridesmaid."

"You really think that we'll actually get married?" Matthew asked with hope in his eyes.

"Yeah... Of course..." 

Matthew called me over and introduced me to his friend.
"Hi, Marina, how are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm fine." Marina said. "So what's your sign?"

"Odd question to ask somebody you just met, but I'm a Libra."

"Really? I'm a Capricorn! Did you know that those signs are compatible."

"I guess this means we're going to get along well." I smiled at her.

"I just know we will..." Marina smiled back. "Since you're here, can I have your autograph?!"

"Sure," I blushed. I couldn't believe people were asking me to give them an autograph!

"Oh my God, Caselta, you are truly amazing. Starting from a complete unknown, you have managed to become an appreciated and respected member in the community. Strive to work harder Caselta, you
are almost there you Renowned VIP." Marina said as she squealed.

Once Marina left (she's such a nice person, no wonder Matthew's good 
friends with her), Matthew called me from upstairs.
When I arrived, he surprised me with a passionate kiss, my body was 
in control once again, and I was powerless to stop it. 
Maybe I didn't want to stop it.

We took our celebrity romance to the next level and gave everyone something
to gossip about.

"I love you," Matthew said as we both closed our eyes.
"I love you, too," I said as we held hands and fell asleep in his arms.

This city was very beautiful at night.
I think I'm going to love it here in Bridgeport.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 4"

What Happened to Caselta The Past Two Days:

Image on the Right, Top Corner
Waking up early on Wednesday I was about to eat my leftovers when I stopped... They smelled horrible! I knew my leftovers weren't going to last forever but I was really hungry. I threw away the spoiled food into my trash can.

Image on Right, Under first Image
I decided to make some waffles instead, which were a bit over-cooked, I admit.

Third Image on Right
While I took care of the toddlers, I heard this dog outside my door, he ruined my newspaper but every time I see a stray dog, I just want to adopt him/her immediately. But, since I can't afford a nice home nor pay most of my bills, I can't really afford another mouth to feed. I also need to buy enough bottles and diapers for the toddlers.

Fourth Image on Right
I got interrupted by the local diner wanting me to enter a dish, but I didn't want to. Mostly since I don't have time and wanted to finish teaching Tamra how to walk.

Big Image
On Thursday, once the kids went home, I couldn't wait to hit the town late at night, meeting new people with dreams, and maybe meet Mr.Right. Or possibly meet a new friend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next two days quickly came. I soon got another toddler to take care of. Her name is Tamra Higgins, who was dropped off by Marc Grossman. Yet, I never knew who her real parents were since someone different would come to either drop her off or pick her up; like Brian Scatterfield, Hope Seals, and Darcy Matthews. In those days, I tried teaching the toddlers new skills.

Belisama already knew all her basic toddler skills, I shed a small tear when I saw her go to the potty by her self. I had panicked at first when I couldn't find her since looking after Tamra. Worriedly, I quickly searched my home for the missing little toddler. Turns out, she was busy in the bathroom.

I think I'm much closer to Belisama Hemlock than with Sebastian Striker and Tamra Higgins.

I spent some time trying to teach Tamra how to walk and talk, but I would get interrupted by the other tot's cries. On Tamra's first day (Wednesday) she would always soil her diaper more than the others.
(Image of teenage girl with blood hair and dark skin, is Hope Seals)

Sebastian would cry but only if he was really hungry, really lonely, or if he had soiled his diaper while I was too busy taking care of the other children and trying to fulfill my own needs.

Once the toddlers got picked up from their parents and/or guardians, I decided to tidy up my home. I wasn't going to be seeing my little Daycare Kids for the next three days. 

I made my bed, recycled the newspaper, took out the trash, put away the small toys, and emptied the potty. Ugh!

*No offense Belisama <=o)*

After cleaning up and taking a bath, I went to bed, dreaming of what tomorrow might be like.