Friday, August 31, 2012

! Busy, Busy, Busy !

Since school has come in session two weeks ago in where I live, I don't have a lot of time to do all my blogs, videos, and school work daily. And since I have to do a History Fair project that is due once we come back from winter break, I won't have a lot of free time with juggling babysitting my siblings, homework assignments, blogs, video, and trying to maintain my social life.

Now since I won't be online so much to socialize or whatever, here's a picture I found on Facebook one day, hope it makes you laugh like I did when I saw it c(= :

Friday, August 3, 2012

On Hold For Now...

It looks like Caselta doesn't want to have her unborn child yet, and I don't have a way to force the birth. I will be working on my other blogs while I let my game go on vacation. I hope to start blogging on this legacy before the second week of school (I start school on August 20). Well, hope you check on the site once in a while, to see if I've uploaded anything. Thanks for reading! c(o=

Thursday, July 19, 2012

199 page views?

199 page views? Thank you guys so much!
I am currenrly working on Chapter 10, which includes a little
bundle of joy... Or two? I don't know because Caselta still didn't have her kid
- ________-

Monday, July 16, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 10"


The newlyweds sat together as they headed home to begin their 
new lives as the Hammings.

The driver put up the dark tinted window so the
 newlyweds could have some moments of peace.

Caselta and Matthew were ecstatic to be married at last, and 
Salina became an over-night sensation in Bridgeport. She and Caselta became close friends.

*Caselta's Point of View*

As a wedding gift, Matthew bought me my own car, so I could travel whenever I wanted.

My family and friends back home recieved the wedding photos and videos that I had sent them. 
I wrote back to them, missing them terribly, and hoping one day, that I would see them again.

Which was probably soon since I am now a U.S. citizen due to getting married to Matthew - I didn't know that you could become a citizen like that.

Matthew liked reading the newspaper in the 
mornings while Zeus and I enjoyed watching the food channel.

Matthew was practicing on making drinks, yet he was never much of a drinker.

Using my car, I had to star in plays at the theater, and was sort of creeped out that there was an employee there who always stares at me... Other then that statement, Salina usually attend my shows.

Some nights, when Matthew was making drinks, my hormones would kick in, and we 
would spend the night as husband and wife, expressing our love for each other.

Nowadays I always had to eat for some reason. I would always want something to eat or ask Matthew to get up at night and go to the store to buy me some sugary food and some chicken.

One morning, I woke up and felt something coming up.
I ran to the bathroom, and instantly threw up in the toilet.

Could I be pregnant? I smiled at the thought. Yet something else
came into mind: how would Matthew react about having a child?

Trying to think of the PROs and CONs of being pregnant, I decided to wash
out the horrible taste from my mouth.

Not being sure, I decided to make an appointment with the doctor while Matthew went to work. 
I would be thrilled if I was expecting a little bundle of joy, but would that happiness cost my marriage? Or am I just being over dramatic?

After getting my test results back, my agent told me I had to attend the book signing of my biography someone wrote about me. Once I got home, Zeus and Matthew stopped what they were doing
and hurried over to me.

I had to tell Matthew something, something that might make things either happy or upsetting for us.
Here goes nothing...

"Matt," I began, hoping he was in a good mood. "I have something very important to tell you, and I hope you don't get angry with me. Matt, you're going to be a father."

Matthew looked shocked, "I'm going to be a daddy?" Then he began to grin. "When will our baby be here? How far along are you? What shall we name it?!"

"Wait, you're not upset that we're expecting a baby?"

"No, why would I?"

"I thought you would leave me if I told you that you'd be a father in nine months," Caselta explained.

"Case," Matthew began. "I was raised better than that. We're married, remember? In sickness or in health, for rich or for poor, in pregnant or not. I'm glad we're having a baby, and I will be glad to have more kids as you want."

Matthew gave me a kiss and began to rub my stomach, I almost shed a tear at the fact that I was over-reacting, and that Matthew truly loved me and our little tummy baby.

Later that same evening, Matthew had to go eat at a restaurant to star in their commercial.

A shirtless Paparazzi man was waiting outside 
the Hamming home, with only my pregnant self and Zeus inside.

Since the world found out about Baby Hamming, it wasn't unusual for Paparazzi lurking around after dark, trying to capture a shot of my expanding waistline.

Matthew got home from tasting some horrible food, and received more wedding gifts from our families.

We would have dinner, which led to Matthew reading the newspaper 
and reading the articles about Baby Hamming to me later in the evening.

I would play with Zeus, and then would chat with my husband. 
Later, we would read up on being a basic parent.

I enjoyed watching kids' shows, wanting to know what some children did nowadays, and sometimes Matthew would join me if he wasn't looking up baby things on the internet.

I chased that wagging thing behind me, getting me angry since it always followed me for some reason. After a while, I headed inside. My master and her mate watched the small box with Small People and loud noises, yet I decided to lay down since they were clapping at the Small People in the box.

Oh those poor Small People trapped in the small box... They must be really cramped up in there!

Master had to leave for what she calls, "Play". 
"Why play without me?" I say. "Let me join you."

But, she'd let me stay at home with her mate.

But soon, her mate had to leave, too, saying he would have to try food for people... 
That could have been my job!

During one of her breaks, Caselta had called me to make some 
Mac & Cheese for dinner, since she was craving it. 

She's been getting a lot of cravings since she became pregnant, but I still gave in 
to all her desires, wanting her pregnancy to go well.

Yet, I know Caselta would be having a harder time being pregnant if they had only a 
one-night stand, which - thank goodness - didn't result in an unwanted pregnancy.

Getting home, Matthew awaited me with our dinner, and I immediately 
devoured my plate. I was still hungry, so I got seconds.

Matthew teased me that our baby would have my appetite, and I continued to eat, teasing 
him that our baby will have his sense of humor.

Matthew's car disappeared for some reason, so he was burrowing mine for awhile,
yet he had bought another one.

As I continued to watch my programs, Matthew kept breaking the glass, 
shouting, "I'll clean that up... And that one, too."

Later that evening, Matthew was invited to a party by a friend, and we decided to go.

Arriving there, we had thought it would be a big party, but we were only presented with two other people.

The woman smiled at Matthew, thanking him for coming, and she was glad to see Mrs. Hamming (me), as well. Since I was in my second trimester, I decided to sit on the couch and
watch television while Matthew talked with the other guest.

As they hit it off, I decided to go introduce my self to Matthew's
friend, and we all watched television.

Soon it was time to go, and as Matthew and I entered the elevator, Matthew's friend and new aquaintance were hitting it off in her apartment. Matthew and I decided to have a little more excitement in our marriage so we decided to make love in the elevator... Glad the Paparazzi wasn't there to capture our moment. 

Nobody use the elevator, please. Don't use it until it has been cleaned, thank you!

The next morning, Matthew decided to practice making his drinks better while I turned on the television.

Later, I had to sign more autographs, and taste some horrible food at a restaurant, which I had to do a commercial for with my my real-life husband, Matthew.

Matthew usually had to give me a massages since my back was 
killing me from carrying our first child.

Matthew had to throw up the nasty food, and then decided to call some friends 
over to recommend them to try out the restaurant's food.

A Paparazzi woman was lurking outside the gates of our mansion, and Matthew would only let her take a photo of him is if she would try out the restaurant's food. Then his two female friends came over and they agreed to try it out, too.

Evenings where the usual, yet it was nice like that, since I would watch TV and Matthew would scan newspapers, making sure no rumors were spread about us.

I was getting little kicks from my tummy, sensing my unborn child didn't like the sound of Zeus' squeaky toy. So I headed upstairs to the bedroom to watch TV there.

Zeus continued to play with his toy, yet he soon followed me and just joined me in watching TV.

But he soon got tired and took a nap... Then he woke up, and slept on the bed.

I decided to read up on the pregnancy book my doctor gave me to help me during my first birth.

I could feel my baby kicking as I began to snooze off a bit, forcing me awake since 
I forgot to turn off the TV.

*Throughout the city of Bridgeport*
Some women wander the sidewalks as Matthew's car passes through.

Salina attend a movie while others are arriving, 
look it's the shirtless Paparazzi man!

Matthew has to perform at the local school and he sees other people near the school.

Once he gets home, he has to pay the bills that have 
been waiting all day.

And begins to read the newspaper.