Saturday, July 14, 2012

Generation 1: Caselta Rodriquez "Chapter 8"

While I was taking care of Sebastian, Matthew took care of the girls.

Sebastian was doing great today; he didn't need a lot of taking care of.

Matthew decided to read the newspaper as I began making
our breakfast while the toddlers played in the living room.

I got to spend some one-on-one time with each toddler:
chatting with Belisama, playing with Sebastian, and teaching Tamara how to walk.

*additional photo*
(Creator's Note: Belisama can go to the bathroom by herself! She's a Big Kid now!)

As the kids were sleeping, I decided to turn off the fireplace,
since it was getting hot, and Matthew threw out some rotten food from
the fridge.

Matthew took care of Belisama while Sebastian was happily playing by himself,
and I taught Tamara how to use the bathroom.

After emptying the potty, the parents began arriving.

And once they were gone, Matthew and I finished what we started earlier
this morning.

After saying goodbye to Matthew, I headed to my bachelorette party which
was being held at The Prosper Room, one of the hots spots tonight.
When I got there, Tiara Angelista and Sugar Bijou were skinny dipping
in the hot tub.

Sugar took a seat next to me, but didn't seem so please
to see me. I only invited her because she was a friend of Matthew's
and since Richie was my friend, Matthew invited him to his bachelor party.
The dancers soon came to the bar while I was ordering the round of

Sugar watched the dancers while I waited for my drink.
I socialized with the girls, and Cherie Pie came to my party without a top...
Alright then.

Matthew was working out in the living room while
Zeus just watched the screen.

My bachelorette party was a modest success, it was just like
my fiance's. Everyone had a few too many, danced on tables, and passed out.

Calling my limo, I made it home around seven in the morning,
to be greeted with a kiss that soon lead us
to go upstairs.

And I think that's all I can say for now.

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